Heads up! Hummingbird Winter Maintenance will happen from 21 DEC 2023 through 04 JAN 2024. The system will be off-line so that we can migrate data over to the new high-speed, parallel access file servers. Users will need to have all jobs completed and results copied off by midnight on 20 DEC 2023. Jobs that are still running at that time will be terminated.
Since we are copying over home directories, please lend us a hand by taking a few minutes to curate your home directory. If there are old data, or data that you are not using, please delete it to reduce the overall size of the data we must copy. Be aware that if there are any results or data that you really need to keep safe, it’s best to copy them off of Hummingbird well before the maintenance window is to begin.
We plan to resume normal operations by 05 JAN 2024 (start of the new term), but because we have over 200TB of data to copy, and we cannot resume operations until the copy is completed, we may run over into the weekend.
If you are unsure if you can complete your work by then, require assistance moving, copying or deleting data; or need help formulating checkpoints so you can efficiently resume a job after the maintenance period ends, please contact hummingbird@ucsc.edu to open a ticket